

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." - e.e. cummings

Whew! What a crazy and exciting month it's been!
Honestly, I am down to the wire on this post, I know, but I had to get it in...
missing a month this late in the game would just really bum me out.

Luca: you are 7 months away from being 4 years old!!!! How on earth did this happen?!?!?!
You will be starting preschool very, very soon and I know you are going to love it. You are such a social kid... you will thrive in that kind of space. For Christmas this year you have asked for Simba ( the stuffed animal) since you watched the lion king about a month ago...you actually call him "cubby" and you actually came up to me and said, "mom, I think I could have a cubby for Christmas...I think that will work..." hahaha what a character! You are getting super tall...and you outgrow your shoes like every other month...I wish that was a joke.... haha. You have really, really begun to show interest in reading...like actually learning how...and though I wasn't convinced at first, I definitely was the night you cried because you, "couldn't read the words and letters on the pages, momma." I cried too... partly because I am proud that you want to learn, that you love to read, and partly because I wish I could hit the magical button and see you reading over night. I know, in reality, that it will take some time...but you and I, we're working on it! You successfully got your second non-traumatizing haircut a couple of days ago...your dad popped in a movie again and viola! You didn't even wince. You are such a big boy.

Canaan: My growing little bird! you are 95th percentile in height this month...and 75th percentile in weight! The doctor said you were destined for football...I cried inside just a little at the thought...! You have been climbing things like crazy this month! The sofas, the desk, the cedar chest...are not too scary for you to try to climb! Yes, you give me heart attacks daily lol... but you keep me on my toes! We have decided to get you a big boy bed! I am nervous to see how you handle it... your big brother did well, but he sure loved the idea he could get out of bed whenever he wanted...momma on the other hand, not so much. You are talking so much more this last month...and using a littleeeee tiny bit of sign language...to my dismay... oh well, you just don't like it much and that's ok.... you can say "thank you" "by-bye" "no" "yes" "uh-oh" "this" "that" ...and yesterday you said your first mini-sentence...we were at the grocery store...and I told you to stop pulling your brother's hair ( hahaha yes, laugh at me... I did) and you turned around and said plain as day, "no momma".... I am in for it aren't I?!?! You have been a little pickier about foods lately, but that's normal... Your legs are so long I can hardly keep pants on you lol... and the one's that are long enough are too big for your waist.... tall boy you are! You really love to dance just like Luca and one of our favorite things to do lately is dance to music in our library...! You got your second haircut on Sunday and you did a good job! You were a little squirmy, but you did a great job! Your little curls are gone again...but no worries I saved them!!!

I love you boys so much! Time flies so quickly and though I can't wait to see how you will grow, I wish, at the same time, I could stop time and keep you little forever!

Love you boys forever,

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