
Winter Official

...it is officially winter, that is! We celebrate the most random things at our house
(in case you hadn't noticed) and today was no different. We just had to
commemorate the first day of winter 2010 with a mini-photo sesh!
I mean, you only live once right? To top it off it is Canaan's first winter of
his entire LIFE! No brainer, I wasn't going to go through this day without a
few pictures taken....

...son, I love that you hate taking pictures
when it is requested...but the results
are, well, tender.

Oh, and this teddy bear? Well, I won't
be cold this winter (giggle).

...and did I mention how perfectly
photogenic you are...and you don't
even know it...I died over this face.
Literally died.

...I saved my little love birdie for last...you
make this momma happy to share winter
with you...and what a little chunky birdie he has
become, no? I love it.

...Why not celebrate winter. Celebrate life. Better yet, Celebrate each other. We may have very little, materialistically speaking, but I have more now, of what is important in life, than I ever have. I have more each morning I wake up...and more each day I cuddle with these 3 men of mine.

I am a lucky lady. Oh yes I am.


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