
It Has Begun..

Well, ladies and gentlemen I finally did it! After much consideration, organizing and through much prodding of family and friends, I am now the proud operator of my very own Etsy Shop!!!!!

So without any further delay here is the link to my SHOP !!!!!

Yes, this is what I have been working on for the past week-ish. I have just been so wrapped up with sorting out photos, and creating designs and the little details that I have barely been on here. I am truly excited about the addition of the shop and I only hope that you all will like it too!

This week has been super! Jason has had the entire week off from work and we have been spending quite a bit of family time together! We have worked in the yard weeding and pruning the gardens (veggie and flower). We were able to get some stakes cut at the local hardware store and placed them on either side of the tomato plants for stability as they grow. Here's some updated garden pics I thought you might like!

Isn't it growing?!?!

I had to take a picture of the squash!

Here's the newly staked tomato plants

Aren't they so colorful? They make me smile every time I look at them.

My dad brought me some Vinca....

...and he brought these lovely Petunias...which I had to put in our planter. Jason built this for me a summer or two ago when we lived in the apartment. I wood burned the design on the front. I just love how hand made things have some much meaning and such rich stories that send you right back to the very place in history where they were created!

 I have baked breads and all kinds of muffins which you all know I love to do....and my hunnies love to eat :)

My dad also came back into town from Maryland, where he currently is running a job, on Tuesday so I have all my favorite guys around...well except for the brother but hopefully by the weeked he'll be around too. Having them all around for once is a wonderful change of pace and I am loving every minute of it.

I even managed to do all the laundry, hang it out to dry, fold and put it all away! That is some kind of record I think. I also had time (and surprisingly, energy) to clean out some room in my closet for all my art,sewing and papercraft materials. I have been needing to do this for the longest time and I finally set my mind to do it. It looks and functions so much better now!

Oh, and don't think I forgot about "I Love Thurdays" ! Here are some love's that have caught my eye this week! Enjoy!

What a awesome and eco idea! I want to do this !

I always love a cute (and flowery) how-to like this one!

I love all the recipes Jessica, over at  Turkeycookies , posts!

Love all the buzz about the new purl soho store ! Thank God for online ordering!

Enjoy the rest of your week! Don't forget to check out my shop!

<3 Elena

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