

"A portrait of my kids, once a week, every week, in 2014"

week 2: walks, exploring, simplify and getting back to routines... 

Luca: my sweet vibrant guy. always reminding this mama to not take this life
so seriously all the time...to take a breathe, to be silly and to smile...
my "Captain Latin America" lol.

Canaan: climber, conqueror and defender of the backyard. Always with a
sword in one hand...and a fountain of kisses for mama. Sweet & Strong.

Neiva: I couldn't resist documenting your 15th week of life with this picture....
I apologize to your 18 year old future self in advance.
Love, you make polka dot Eskimo suits look fab.
I've been enjoying your squeals and giggles.
Your smiles light up my world. 

linking up here 


Unknown said...

BWA HA HA HA...Captain Latin America...STILL cracks me up!

Stephanie said...

Your kids are precious and I love their names!