
One Port City...to the next....

Hello Luhvahs ♥

I am back! Woo, what a weekend! Last Thursday I drove down to Charleston to look for houses with our realtor. I left the kiddos with my parents ( it was soooo tough, and on top of it all it was the first time I have left Canaan over night! Yep, I cried) so they wouldn't get so caught up in all the craziness and make it a little easier on me to go from house to house. I think I looked a like a dozen houses on Friday, but finally found the cutest house at our last stop....phew! Saturday we had a little down time so me and that hot, sexy Mr. of mine drove to downtown Charleston for some King St. style fun!

.....oh I am a lucky girl...and folks doesn't that suit look sharp?!?!?

this church was so massive and ornately designed I had to take a picture "with" it.....

bodyguard. status.

King St.

Probably the most awesome old theatre I have seen in a while....creepy and cool at the same time!

by the old ticket booth....

U.O. heavenly!

this cute little train was in the Charleston Mall...kids actually rode through the halls in it....can't wait to get Luca on it!

oh yeah, no King St. date is complete without a stop for yogurt/smoothies!

I got back yesterday afternoon, having completed the application on the house, learning the area a bit better and a move in date (if we get approved). We should be hearing back from the realtor within a day or two so keep your fingers crossed with us!!!! I have to say I am so super proud of the Mr. through all this. He has to work and be away from us for so long...and though it is super tough...he is such a strength! I am accumulating boxes at the moment and will begin packing up stuff soon! I am so excited! Oh, ps... I may put a pic of the house up when we hear the word!!! Oh, and guess who turns 7 months!?!?!? That's right---my little birdie man!

Hope you all are having a great week so far. And I am super sorry for being absent for so long! Forgive me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful rendition of your trip and all the happenings. You both look great! This place looks nice and I hope all works out with house. Wish I could be around to help you with the packing. Make sure you get some rest and know that I am thinking about all of you. Love, Olga