
...I Got Things Done

I can hear you say it..."She's blogged twice today...and she's sick?!?" Yeah, I know, I actually said that to myself as I sat down to put this post together. However, I felt like I couldn't just leave you all hanging as it were. I am happy to say, I got some rest, I got stuff done (though kind of minimally) and we didn't have any major catastrophes to speak of...lol. Starting my day off right, set my day in positive motion. I recommend it.

I did the most important things I needed to do at least. I cooked (well partially, I made noodles for the leftover spaghetti sauce I made last night), I washed the dishes (Luca helped me because he loves it!!!), I even baked the Mr.'s favorite muffins- go me! lol. and I bathed the bird ♥

I am still out of it...but I feel a bit better. I think a lot of rest this night will be beneficial. Here's hopping the kiddos sleep peacefully too.

Hope you all are in good health, that you are in good minds for your Monday morning, that you rest well and sleep in peace and that you meet me back here for the next go round lol!

Keep a look out for Thursday's post, if all goes well I will be introducing a fabulous crafty momma and her beautiful creations!!!

Xo, cough, Xo

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